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Making bag lunches for low income kids needing a nutritious school lunch. The staff would be youth/adult volunteers that come from low/no income background or the judicial system along with their case managers/ care providers and/or the community at large.
The bag lunch would consist of a sandwich (or something equivalent to that), vegetables, piece of fruit, chips/cookies or some other item of the sort. The lunch would comply with the school system standards. The food would be donated as much as possible and the rest would come from

Gozie’s Bread.

Develop programs for underprivileged, at risk/high risk or disabled kids. These programs could include but not limited to

  • After school homework clubs where kids get rewards for doing their homework.

  • Work opportunities within the bakery and/or doing baking, prep work for the Need to be Needed program.

  • Have creative programs or outings to spark curiosity for things outside their troubled world.


                                                        ADULTS TO BE....?

Design 6 month to 1 year programs for adults who are struggling with getting into full time work.


I don’t like telling senior retired people to be or do anything considering they have done their time working and now want to enjoy their unlimited uncontrolled time.
I found that no matter what farmer’s market I was at one or more retired people would ask if I could use some help from an old timer. Of course I said yes. I love to hear their stories and learn from them. Before I said good-bye to my business I had two senior ladies help me sell my product. One of them stated,” I love helping you out! I feel so needed and appreciated. Thanks Carolin for giving me a purpose in life.”
Promoting Gozie’s Bread through farmer’s markets is a cheap, fun way to promote the product. It connects the community to the local high quality products and puts a face to the producers.
So why not create a Seniors volunteer task force to look after the farmer’s markets and what ever other way they would like to contribute to Gozie’s Bread. Why not get them connecting with feelings of being needed and their communities again.



  • 1 free bag lunch

  • Sweat equity points (for every hour worked they would get points and enough points accumulated would = various products) eg. 1 hour worked = 12 points = 2 loaves of bread

  • Develop sweat equity accounts. Save a large amount of points for eyewear, medical needs or furniture as an example

  • Encourage self care and fulfillment


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